Monday, March 17, 2008


What I found pretty amusing... What they really meant was Cornea. But for the layman who doesnt know the meaning of corneas, so they use eyes. Haha... Who will actually donates EYES.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Medical Photos from India

Hi guys, Im back in Singapore! As promised, here are 4 photos to share with the class on my trip to India. I have more gruesome photos which can be visually disturbing to the Surgically-uninitiated, but if you could sit through watching SAW1 to SAW4, then i think you are ok. hahaha..

But for now, G Rated photos for the kiddies out there. hahaha.

The Surgical General Ward

In the Emergency OT awaiting the next case...

Our Unit Doctors seeing patients in the outpatient clinic.

The S1 Surgical Unit.
(Myself, with 2 female batchmates together with 1st, 2nd year MO Trainees and Registrar during Evening Ward Rounds.)

More pictures to come soon. Gruesome ones will add later. hahaa
