Sadly, there wasnt a 2007 one... :(
But!!!! This year, we managed to get one out!!! I was catapulted into a hypomanic state after the class gathering... lol. Havent enjoyed myself with you guys for such a long time!!!!....

Its been 1 week since our gathering!! So fast right? Time really flies when everyone is sooo busy and caught up with their work.
Anyway, Im very happy and glad that most of you guys could turn up for our uber class gathering!!! The turnout was fantabulous! Nothing can make the organisers happier than to see you guys there! Thanks for taking the time off and blocking your schedules for this special day!!! Its really great to see all of you again. So much has changed. Girls getting prettier, Guys hopefully getting more handsome... haha.. ppl getting attached left right and centre, some started working, some new specs, new hairstyle, new skintone (esp shamantha), .... soon we shall see who is the 1st one to get married and to bring their little bundles of joy to show the class!!! lol. The future seems bright! Im glad everyone is doing very well. All healthy and enjoying life! Be sure to start collecting your stories now to share with the class on our next gathering!
Thanks Diana for spearheading the gathering to gain enough momentum for it to materialise..
And last but not the least, thanks class for making it all happen!!
Your class committee 2008, PE Rep, Victor!
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