Hello my long lost friends,
I muz apologize... I'm guilty of not keeping in touch. How's everybody doing? Besides bumping into Wenli, Jieli, Victor occasionally, n looking at Diana's teeth, I think I haven't seen the rest of you all for ages!
Vic asked me to post what i've been up to lately... well, basically i'm rushing my schedule for my final year. really stressed out in dental school. Diana can testify how our lives here suck big time. I had the honour of referring her to do braces. haha!
Apart from rushing for clinics, labwork, tutorials etc, I have recently joined the facebook clan. so yes, if anyone has facebook, can add me, can keep in touch tt way too. (though now i'm no longer into superpoking ppl n scribbling on ppl's walls)Maybe we should set up a 02s20 group there? hee.
Was looking forward to a gathering this yr but I guess it juz didn't materialize cos everyone's so busy. Ok I promise I'll help to organize one when I graduate!
Alright, i'd better do my assignment now. Take care ppl!